Córdoba, Not Cordoba
We spent about 9 hours in Córdoba, Argentina between Christmas and New Year’s (it was a Saturday). The city was deserted, and as a result, ’twas a wee bit creepy.
Our first stop was one of the larger plazas in the city, Plaza San Martin, the site of the Iglesia Catedral (the back of which is pictured here). We expected the plaza to be a vibrant meeting place for the city’s residents. Unfortunately, it was filled mostly with the three “Ps”: police, pick pockets, and prostitutes.
Córdoba has some excellent examples of 17th and 18th century architecture, which are easily walkable to view in a day. Unfortunately for us, all of the sites were closed. After what we dubbed our “sightseeing death march in the sun,” we gave up and spent the next 7 hours in a cafe eating, surfing, and synchronizing a multi-computer viewing of War Games (all of us using headphones).
Checking back in to see how life in the South is doing with you and the kids….90 degrees and hot sounds great as our fair city just went through a record snow and New Year’s Day a record rain and tomorrow perhaps pestilence? I’m tired of the gray and my house and wishing for some sun and heat i guess. Glad you are alive and well and soaking up your 2nd summer this year!
Cynthia, great to hear from you! We were reading about the snowfall from afar…it was really hard to imagine because it was so hot hot hot where we were. On the other hand, even though we’re enjoying our second summer weather wise, we’re definitely missing Oregon summer produce (it doesn’t seem like summer without berries and asparagus and cherries…)!