Línea Urquiza to the Hurlinghame Club


Thanks once again to Candace and Gil, without whom we would do nothing interesting. Today, it was a trek outside of Capital Federal (the name for the inner barrios of Buenos Aires) so that we could attend some sort of joint British/American outdoor fair at the posh Hurlinghame Club.

The club itself is a bit of a throwback to colonial times, it has an 18-hole golf course, polo fields and stables, tennis courts, cricket, swimming, blah blah blah. It is quite a huge piece of property and was indeed a nice setting for a beautiful spring day. I learned today that the club is supposed to be where polo was first introduced to Argentina.

There were food booths with the standard parilla fare, sweetened popcorn, games for the kids, lots of grass to play around on, loads of vendors (we bought a llama wool blanket to bring home), a marching bagpipe and percussion band as well as Scottish Highland dancers. (A big thank you to Gilson Pereira for remembering to bring his camera and for taking the photo here!)

On a side note, as we trekked back to the R. Dario stop, we saw the train fly by before we made it to the platform — it was actually a few minutes early. I didn’t know that was possible with a train system!

3 Responses to “Línea Urquiza to the Hurlinghame Club”

  1. futbol

    no, no. when that happens in this country, it’s usually the previous train, arriving really late.

  2. Michele

    Whew, thanks for setting the record straight. I was about to declare Argentina the operator of the most on-time train system in the world! *smile*

  3. Buenos Aires Expats - Online Community of Expatriates and guide to living in Buenos Aires, Argentina

    […] My first thought was, "Bagels in Argentina? Really?"… Sunday, 04 October Línea Urquiza to the Hurlinghame Club[micheleandtom.com] Thanks once again to Candace and Gil, without whom we would do nothing […]

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